Manage your finances with our state of the art accounting system!
All the tools you need to manage cash flow in one place, right from recording transactions to summarizing and analyzing financial reports. It's bookkeeping made easy.
Real time insights anytime, anywhere ...
Getting you on top of your business finances - on the go. Our well-designed, business-oriented reports and dashboards help in developing faster reliable, and most accurate critical financial decisions.
Ultimate Accounting Flexibility
Accountants can create a fully flexible chart of accounts, adapted to whatever they need. Add new accounts or reorganize accounts using a simple tree structure. You can also import your existing chart of accounts using the chart of accounts importer.
The complete accounting solution with all types of journal entries
Leave no transaction unrecorded. Make quick journal entries, difference entries, reverse entries, contra entries, multicurrency, cost-centers and more — all in a few simple clicks.